About Us

Unrivaled Experience & Expertise

Dedicated to Your Complete Satisfaction

Our team of factory trained technicians are not only exceptionally skilled in microscopy and equipment maintenance and repairs, they and our entire support staff always operate with the highest level of customer service etiquette. 

Microscopy & Histology Equipment Sales, Support, Service, and Repair

For over 30 years, Micronix Systems has been servicing the microscopy and laboratory needs of hospitals, pharmaceutical, research, and clinical laboratories throughout the Northeast, and beyond. Our service area includes, but is not limited to:

  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • Virginia

Over 1300 accounts have relied on Micronix to perform preventative maintenance service and repairs, new instrument sales and support, and equipment relocation services throughout the United States. Our customers benefit from having 6 full-time service technicians with a collective experience of over 105 years at your service. We pride ourselves on immediate, reliable, and friendly support of any issues as they arise.  Backed by an extensive inventory of repair parts and factory products, we're fully equipped to solve your most challenging service needs. 

We are always looking for ways to serve you, our customer. If you need support with new or remanufactured microscopes, cameras or accessories, remanufactured histology equipment or service, contact us and experience a new level of customer service.

Serving the Greater Boston Area from our Massachusetts Location

Boston skyline of tall buildings with green trees and the waterfront in the foreground

Micronix Systems Inc. | Boston
720 University Ave.
Norwood, MA 02062


Corporate Headquarters

Micronix Systems, Inc.
43 Commerce Street
Springfield, NJ 07081


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A microscope upside down and partially disassembled for repairs & service

Reliable Performance

Service & Repair

Established in 2007 and formerly a division of Belair Instruments, Micronix currently serves more than nine hundred hospital, pharmaceutical, and clinical laboratories in the New Jersey/New York/Philadelphia metro areas. Hundreds of schools and educational institutions also depend on us for microscope and laboratory equipment sales, repair, rentals, leasing and replacement bulbs. We take pride in providing best practices equipment and microscope service, which means we are perfectionists when it comes to cleaning, handling, and repairing your precision instruments.